
Saturday 17 July 2021

Book Review: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I decided to start reviewing some books that I read, and the first one up is Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I'll do books on personal finance, entrepreneurship, and whatever else I think is cool.

I have grudging respect for this book. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is an absolute juggernaut of a book-it's been on the bestseller lists for as long as I remember.

One of my favourite quotes is from Rich Dad:

Most people never study about money. They go to work, get their paycheck, balance their checkbooks, and that's it. On top of that, they wonder why they have money problems. Few realize that it's their lack of financial education that is the problem.

My review :

Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of the classics in the field of wealth management.

This book has helped me a lot and there is no denying the fact that it is mind-set shifting and thought-provoking book.

If you want to set your money basics right, you simply can’t afford to miss reading this book.

Cheers to your success!!

see the book Here

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